Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cheryl, the Love of My Life

These are the faces of two people who truly love each other. I'm never more happy than when I see this pretty girl's face. Her blue eyes make my heart skip a beat, and regardless of how old we become, there is never a moment when I don't think about her and how my life is so much better because of her being in it.

We've been through a lot, endured a lot, experienced a lot, and continued to live strong for God despite each and every thing which has tried to stop us. I can honestly say if it hadn't been for her at my side, I would never have become the man I am. I think back sometimes to what might have been if I'd married someone else, and it just makes me so incredibly thankful to God for allowing our paths to have crossed so many years ago.

With my oldest son fixing to get married in a couple of weeks, it has me reminiscing back to the days before we were married. A time when I had no clue about what I was getting into. All I could think was this gorgeous woman has agreed to marry me, why? What could she have seen in me to make her want to spend her life with me? I first thought it was my ponytail, but later found out that wasn't the case. Ha!

If you're married, then thank God for your spouse, if you're not married begin to thank God for your future spouse, He will bring the perfect person for you at just the right time, when you're ready. Don't hurry it, just follow Him and they will show up. I was not looking for Cheryl when I found her, I was pursuing Jesus and all He had for me, and then she arrived. And if you are married and struggling, race to Jesus, for He will help put your marriage back to where it should be, just don't give up, it's worth fighting for.

I love my wife, oh we have our moments some days, but it doesn't change the fact I want to spend every moment I can with her, even if it is just playing Words with Friends while sitting in our recliners watching Big Bang Theory. She gives my life meaning, and fulfills me in a way no other person on this Earth can. Cheryl I love you more than ever and this will never change. I mean it when I say, "Baby, you're the greatest!"

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