They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what are you beholding today? What do you see when you look into the mirror?
I will have been married to my bride for 25 years in a few days, and one thing that we have argued about (not seriously) in all that time has been about how beautiful she is. She will say she’s not, and I say she is. This has gone on for our entire married lives.
I’d love to say that I was attracted to her mind when we first met, but truthfully when I saw her sitting across the room from me, it wasn't her mind that interested me. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow! Who is that girl? I've got to get to know her.” This is not to say I only like her flesh, it was just the first thing that caught my attention. Over the years, I've come to find out that she is quite a bright and intelligent girl too.
For all of my adult life when I've looked into a mirror, what I always see is a handsome, striking twenty something young man, regardless of how old I become. I guess it’s a gift that I am not critical of myself in that way. I think I look great, plain and simple. Now my sweet bride on the other hand does not see herself in the mirror the way that I do. In fact, she will spend as little time in front of a mirror as possible.
I saw this video a few weeks back, and it truly captures the essence of what I'm wanting to say in this blog.
Why is it women tend to see themselves in a poorer light than others around them? I'm sure that we could blame it all on the society in which we live, and the pressures women face to be beautiful. But I think it truly is something even deeper. In the Genesis story; God puts Adam to sleep and takes a rib from him to make Eve. Man was made from the dust of the ground, but Eve was handcrafted and fashioned from the rib of man, God made a work of art when He made a woman. The reason I think women in general have a hard time seeing themselves in a good light, is the enemy of God and mankind hates women with a passion.
Before the devil became the devil he was named Lucifer and was the most beautiful creature ever created. After he fell from Heaven, his beauty was taken from him, and when he saw Eve and her beauty he coveted what he once had, and has been working to undermine women ever since.
What you think about yourself is the most important thing, and ladies it is my prayer for you that you will begin to see yourself as you truly are, and not what you think you are. Because you are all princesses of the King and lovely to behold!
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