Thursday, September 29, 2011

Love, Friendship & All That Other Stuff

I used to really hate mowing my yard. Now I still don't really like mowing, but I do enjoy the time it takes to get it done, because I use that time to either talk to God or listen to music and become inspired in my thinking. Yesterday I chose to listen to music, and found myself dancing and singing to DC Talk while taking the grass down a notch.

I really enjoy listening to music in this way, because mowing is such a mind numbing experience right up there with watching the grass grow, and it allows me to not only sing, but to think about the lyrics and what the artist is really trying to say. Being a writer, I also enjoy trying to determine what their mindset was while they were creating. This being a fact because usually when I write, it has come from something going on in my life at the time.

Anyway, the song "Godsend" came on, and as I was singing along I began to think about my bride and the 23 years that we've been together as a couple and all that has happened throughout the years. In case you've never heard the song, or it's been a while, click the link and it will take you to YouTube where you can listen to it.

Let's face it, I am a hopeless romantic at heart. There is something deep within my heart that makes me want to do things for my bride to make her life better. And, I actually do see her as my Godsend, she was made specifically for me by my Father, and I was made for her. (That's something that might scare her at times, but it is true.) God made us for each other, and I can think of no better gift I've ever been given except for the gift of salvation.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam was doing the job God has set before him, and spending time with God the Father on a daily basis, and yet it was God who ultimately said, "It is not good for man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18) Man was doing what God wanted him to do, and was in daily communion with God, and that wasn't good enough? Makes me think about men who are workaholics and never take time for their wife. God is the one who said that wasn't good, we should probably listen to Him on this one huh?

What I find interesting in the thinking of God is that He realizes that it is not good for man to be alone, then He puts Adam to sleep and taking a rib from him handcrafts Eve. The Father fashions a woman from man, like a work of art in the hands of the artist he creates her. Then there is the time when God wakes Adam and presents his bride to him. Can you imagine what was going through Adam's mind at the time when he first saw Eve? Vavavavoom!

I know that it embarrasses my bride when I fuss over how beautiful she is to me. It's almost as if she thinks that I am lying to her, am just going on for no real reason, or trying to get something from her . But I have a reason, and that is she is my Godsend, she was made specifically for me and I do love her, more than I think she will ever know.

The enemy of all creation has so attacked women at the core of who they are, that a lot of times they don't realize the beauty that they have. There is an outward beauty that God gave women through creation, and that is nice I won't lie about that, but I'm not talking just about Cheryl's outward beauty, but the beauty that she holds inside. It is Cheryl, the real her, the speaking spirit that I fell in love with. It is this person who is my best friend. That is who God made for me, and me for her.

Who we are on the outside changes with age, there is no denying that. And while I'm still physically attracted to my bride, what makes me truly love her, and always has, is what is on the inside. It is "who" she is, not what she is that makes me want to spend time with her. When I think about all of our years together, what I remember with fondness are the times we spent just being together, whether we were working in the yard, laughing with friends or just spending a quiet evening home together watching a favorite television show.

My heart is taken captive each and every time we are together. Truly, when I look into her eyes, it is like seeing her again for the first time. My heart really does skip a beat when I see her, and while I'm pretty sure I don't always do a good job of showing it to her, I love her more and more each and every day that we spend together. It is my desire that we will grow old together, and like the couple in this video, we will have fun together no matter how old we get.

So listen men, even if you aren't much of a romantic, make time for your bride, and live in such a way that that she knows you love her. Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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